Wednesday, October 24, 2018

Twisted Love — Some Would Do Just About Anything for It

 It's almost exactly one year ago that I snuck my own writing onto my shelf for the very first time— the centerpiece, of course. Some might think the decision was hard, but all my favorite novelists had to take a backseat on this one. There was no question about it.

I'm excited to say that pretty soon I'll be blocking out more of my favorite novelists with the latest addition to my shelf. My story Graveheart: Under Lock and Key is now available in Hell's Heart — 15 Twisted Tales of Love Run Amok.

My tale is a little more twisted than I'd thought it would be, but sometimes it's safer to step back and let the people I'm writing about tell their own story their own way. Besides, my protagonist's idea of love differs wholly and entirely from that of my own. And since she's not at all discouraged or afraid to literally do whatever it takes to get what she wants…well, I stepped back more than once…

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